Thoughtful, Dynamic and Honest
Lisa coached me through a career pivot during 2020. For years I had been unhappy in my role and career but lacked the confidence to make a change – she helped me make the pivot, and now I run my own business.
Lisa coaches using her in-depth knowledge and passion for people and what makes them tick. She quickly identified patterns in my behaviour that held me back and used a strong methodology to get me back in touch with my skillset.
Over a series of sessions, we unpacked my skills, talents, feelings, ambitions and potential. She guided and encouraged me to confront some long-held beliefs and behaviours, which has helped me find my new path into my own business. I am loving work and am happier now than I have been in decades.
Lisa knows when to empathise and when to challenge. Every session is thoughtful, dynamic and honest, leaving you feeling empowered and free. Her commitment to documenting the sessions is brilliant – I found it so useful to read back over the notes and reflect even further.
I was sceptical about what a coach could do for me before I met Lisa, but I'm now converted to the power of the approach and the potential it unlocks.
"Every session is thoughtful, dynamic and honest leaving you feeling empowered and free. I was sceptical about what a coach could do for me before I met Lisa, but I'm now converted to the power of the approach and the potential it unlocks."
JO - Entrepreneur and Managing Director (Employee Engagement)